Core Strategies >> Sustainable Solutions


Focused, Cost-effective and Motivating

Since the uptake of social media platforms, traditional media has become somewhat de-valued, but data says it still plays an important part in the marketing mix. A targeted media relations campaign offers companies and organisations the opportunity to build their brand through an external third party such as newspapers, television, radio, online magazines, podcasts and many other media vehicles.  If you have a significant event, product or service that provides a benefit for the wider community, chances are you’re in a fantastic position to attract widespread media support.  Don’t know how or who to pitch your story to? It’s our speciality.  Backtobasics Communication Services has developed media relations programs providing significant financial savings through “free” publicity for our clients.  If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and have an interesting story to tell, Backtobasics Communications Services can help you develop a strategic and effective media program.

Backtobasics Communication Services - Media Relations

We’re particularly passionate about developing targeted internet and media campaigns that promote awareness of your brand, products and services. We’ve applied these skills for many clients across a wide spectrum of industries. These campaigns have provided a favourable return on investment for clients, as well as achieving excellent results in increasing awareness and achieving measurable outcomes.

Backtobasics Communication Services
"Adriana and her team were patient, creative, and positive every step of the way, working tirelessly with all our people."